Is there a way to output data to DDL SQL files (insert, update, delete)?
Indeed we can output to XML, XLS, CSV ... files but why not SQL files ?
Thanks for your advice.
Is there a way to output data to DDL SQL files (insert, update, delete)?
Indeed we can output to XML, XLS, CSV ... files but why not SQL files ?
Thanks for your advice.
Hello Maxani,
we don't have writer, that creates such output, but it can be easily achieved with Reformat component with transform attribute as follows://#CTL1
string query;
record(Metadata4) input;
// Transforms input record into output record.
function transform() {
int i;
input = @0;
query = "insert into " + $table + " (";
for (i =0; i < length(input); i++) {
if (get_field_name(input,i) != "table") {
query = concat(query, get_field_name(input,i), ',');
query = substring(query,0,length(query) - 1);
query = query + ") values ('";
for (i =0; i < length(input); i++) {
if (get_field_name(input,i) != "table") {
if (get_field_type(input,i) == "string") {
query = concat(query, replace(nvl(input[i],''), "'", "\\\\'"), "','");
query = concat(query, input[i], "','");
query = substring(query,0,length(query) - 2);
query = concat(query, ')');
$query := query;
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