Hi-- I'm a newbie and have a use case requiring a db input table query statement to be constructed at execution time. Basically, the graph would have these requirements:
1) read table-A containing column names
2) using these column names read table-B
3) store extracted data of table-B data into file.
Can this be done in Clover? Thanks!
1) read table-A containing column names
2) using these column names read table-B
3) store extracted data of table-B data into file.
Can this be done in Clover? Thanks!
Hi Linar,
I spent considerable time to find solution of your problem in CLoverETL ;-). In attached project you can see how it can be done:- createQueryAndMetadata.grf - reads table A and creates query for table B. It saves the query in the file and creates metadata defined by query and database connection.
- selectData.grf - reads data from table B.
- getData.grf - runs both graphs. To run this graph you need to ad the cloveretl.connection.jar to the project class-path.
Thank you Agata, this is a great help.
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