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CloverETL, OSGi questions/doubts??

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    "modularity based on OSGi standards" is implemented by CloverETL Server.
    So you can implement you own server API as OSGi bundle.
    This feature is briefly described in this section of online manual: ... /osgi.html

    Regarding the CloverETL engine modularity, there is our own modularity implemented which is not based on OSGi standards.
    We are currently considering benefits of OSGi modularity of clover engine. However it's not our priority for now.

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    Hi Martin,

    Thnak you for your response, now i've understand better what it means
    when you refer to "modularity based on OSGi standards".

    I know very well the approach of embedding an OSGi container within the
    "servlet-bridge" approach.

    Basically if i've understand, you're going to embedd the OSGi framework to
    the clover server...

    BTW i'm interested ( and i've started ) this post, to evaluate to use clover embedded
    in OSGi framework where clover core engine, and clover plugins would be osgi bundles
    exposing OSGi service...

    Sorry to hear that a move to OSGi is not in your priority...
    my thougths on this, is beacuse looking at the clover code, in my opinion a move to osgi would
    not to be a great problem, because as i said above in my opinion the code is well designed.



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