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Metadata on data load versus downstream

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    Can anyone confirm one way or the other if I'm missing something or I just need to adjust my mental model?
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    Hello Brad,
    basically you're right. All this information is needed only when parsing and formatting data and usually it doesn't matter what metadata (fixed/delimited/mixed) and delimiters are defined on the edges that are not connected to a Reader or Writer. On such edges only number of fields and theirs types are USUALLY important. BUT there are some other components, that can use this information, e.g. SystemExecute or database bulk loaders format the incoming data according to the metadata on input edge.
    But, as you wrote, on many edges this information is indeed redundant and is not used. We don't have an abstract metadata, so even if this information is not needed Clover requires it, as it doesn't know what you would like to use given metadata for. Good example for transformation, that precisely metadata type is really important is following graph:

    READER -- delimited metadata --> SIMPLE_COPY -- fixed metadata --> WRITER

    In above graph you change the delimited file to fixlength one without any transformation component.
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    Thank you, Agata!

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