This may be a silly question, but is it possible to bind an XML to JavaBean definition using CloverETL?
Thanks in advance,
This may be a silly question, but is it possible to bind an XML to JavaBean definition using CloverETL?
Thanks in advance,
Hello Franco,
It's not clear what your use case is.
In general, you can write java code in CloverETL transformation components which reads/writes XML.
This java code may use your own JavaBeans for the binding. (These classes must be on the classpath)
However instances of your JavaBeans cannot be used for data flow through the edges.
For example you can't create beans instances by reading from the XML and pass these instances to another component.
Martin -
Hi Martin,
Thank you very much for your answer.
Sorry I wasn't clear enough, but I was thinking in the use case you just described, using JavaBeans in data flow through the edges. For example, read an XML, apply some transformations and bind them into a JavaBean class model. I supposed I could write a custom Clover component to achieve this.
I am evaluating Clover and doing a prototype integration with Mule ESB.
Franco -
Hello Franco,
this sound interessting. I think i have a similar usecase like you.
I like to read my data from a database and wrote them later into java beans.
And a mapping form to map the data into the java bean setter would be nice. :D
Tell me more when you have results.
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