I am trying to avoid ExtSort in the graph because of performance issue. I am doing 'order by' in the query to pull data through DBInputTable . I am joining data from two databases using ExtMergeJoin in the graph. The join key columns are defined as characters in both the databases. One of the databases, the collation is set as latin1_general CS ( MySql database) and in the other one (Postgres) it is CS utf8 . Graph failed complaining about data being unsorted in port 1.
Any help on this will be appreciated.
Any help on this will be appreciated.
data in both streams must to be sorted according to the locale and collator_sensitivity attributes on record/field metadata (see Locale and Locale Sensitivity). To match records from both input ports properly, the data need to be sorted with the same collator. So you need to set proper (and the same) locale and collator_sensitivity on both input metadata and use proper collator when selecting the data from database (see 22.2. Collation Support for Postgre and Using COLLATE in SQL Statements for MySQL).
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