I have the following SQL
which works if I add it as "SQL query" of DB_Input_Table with an Edge to next component
but does not work if I use it as "SQL query" of DB_Execute which I thought would be the correct component to use for this kind of SQL.
set temporary option temp_extract_name1 = '/shared/jtesting/ei_phone.txt'
set temporary option temp_extract_column_delimiter = '|'
select *
from ei_phone
where pk_phone between 71894755 and 72542062
set temporary option temp_extract_name1 = ''
which works if I add it as "SQL query" of DB_Input_Table with an Edge to next component
but does not work if I use it as "SQL query" of DB_Execute which I thought would be the correct component to use for this kind of SQL.
DBExecute can work in 2 modes:
1) execute stored procedure - you have to indicate this by a parameter and then the results of the stored procedure are written to the output port of the component
2) execute a SQL query - this is the default, and the SQL query is executed by java.sql.Statement.executeUpdate(). In this case the return values of the SQL statement are not handled - which is your case.
So in summary - if you want to use DBExecute to execute SQL which returns some data, it has to use a stored procedure. I hope this gives you some insight into the area...
Best regards,
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