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Working in eclipse but has errors with command line

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    both messages in log are only informative and have no influence on the graph execution itself. DataReader can use different parsers (see parser attribute) and during initialization it checks which parser would be the best one for current settings. It starts checking from the simplest parser and if a just checking parser can't be used, writes this information to the log. The second message is returned by mysql jdbc driver during checking graph configuration and only inform user, that some configuration can be really checked. Both messages appears in the log as well when running the graph from Eclipse (you may need to change the default log level to see them).
    And what is the problem with skipRows attribute?
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    Oh okay that makes sense now, thanks for the clarification I thought I was screwing something up! The skiprow error is a non-issue; I was just getting the same message that quotedStrings was giving when I removed that attribute.

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