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How to pass parameters to a graph.

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    Hello, there are to ways to pass parameters to another graph. Both require the second graph to have an internal parameter called dataFileIn defined.

    Your first option is to run the second graph in the same JVM. In this case, you are able to pass parameters with the same name. In your case, you create an internal parameter dataFileIn also in your first graph and set it to desired value (${DATAIN_DIR}/ In the RunGraph component you need to set the "Graph parameters to pass" attribute to dataFileIn. When you run the graph now, the value of the dataFileIn parameter will be passed to the second graph an the second graph will be run will its dataFileIn parameter set to this value (${DATAIN_DIR}/

    The second option is to run the second graph in another JVM ("The same JVM" attribute of the RunGraph component set to false"). In this case you need to set the "Command line arguments" attribute to -P:dataFileIn=${DATAIN_DIR}/customers.dat or generaly -P:parameterName=parameterValue.

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