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REFORMAT Component Throwing Null Values in OutPut

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    Hi Naveen,

    the reason you are not getting any data on output is that you are missing a return statement in the transform() method. The value returned from transform() specifies to which output port should the data be sent. The
    return 0;
    will cause CloverETL engine to push the output data to output port $0.

    By the way, it seems to me that you could implement the same functionality directly in CTL2 which should make things easier to read. I don't think that you need java.
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    Hello Naveen,
    you don't set any values to the output records if the condition matches. If you want just to copy the values from input to output, use defaultTransform(DataRecord[] inputRecords, DataRecord[] outputRecords) method:
    		if (OBJECTNAME.contains(".aspx") || OBJECTNAME.contains(".css")
    || OBJECTNAME.contains(".jpeg") || OBJECTNAME.contains(".png")
    || OBJECTNAME.contains(".JPG") || OBJECTNAME.contains(".gif")) {

    defaultTransform(source, target);

    System.out.println("No Value");

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