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Max field size to small for text

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    After the extraction of the metadata from database, you can clear size attribute value for the string and byte data types. That will cause CloverETL to allocate the field dynamically to accommodate data. The size property is used for data input (from flat file) or output formatting (to a flat file) only anyway, so no harm leaving it empty. I have raised this issue with CloverETL development team as bug CLD-3022.

    When processing records large than 64 kB, you may also run into runtime error saying the the buffer has not enough size to accommodate the record:

    Node INPUT1 finished with status: ERROR caused by: The size of data buffer is only 12288. Set appropriate parameter in defautProperties file.

    You can increase the internal buffer sizes by overriding CloverETL Engine default properties as described at Changing Default CloverETL Settings. In fact, CloverETL 3.2, which is going to be released in December 2011, will use dynamically allocated internal buffers to work with large records transparently and optimize memory usage.
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    Thank you, I hadn't realized I could actually just clear the field out and it wouldn't apply a size limit to the field. This worked just fine, especially since I can select all the fields at once and clear them in one shot within CloverETL.

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