I am trying to run the graph in OIA. I have made the required changes in the Graph according to the grammar but i am getting the error message.
03:25:00,746 ERROR [Phase] REFORMAT0 ...FAILED !
org.jetel.exception.ComponentNotReadyException: Transformation code is not compilable.
reason: Error(s) when compiling: /tmp/TransformREFORMAT0.java
error: error reading /tmp/TransformREFORMAT0.java; /tmp/TransformREFORMAT0.java (Too many open files)
1 error
at org.jetel.component.Reformat.init(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.Phase.init(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.WatchDog.runPhase(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.WatchDog.run(Unknown Source)
03:25:00,746 INFO [WatchDog] [WatchDog] !!! Phase finished with error - stopping graph run !!!
03:25:00,746 INFO [TransformationGraph] [Clover] WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 0 (sec)
03:25:00,746 INFO [TransformationGraph] [Clover] !!! Graph execution finished with errors !!!
I am attaching the rbacx.log file as well as the graph.
I am trying to run the graph in OIA. I have made the required changes in the Graph according to the grammar but i am getting the error message.
03:25:00,746 ERROR [Phase] REFORMAT0 ...FAILED !
org.jetel.exception.ComponentNotReadyException: Transformation code is not compilable.
reason: Error(s) when compiling: /tmp/TransformREFORMAT0.java
error: error reading /tmp/TransformREFORMAT0.java; /tmp/TransformREFORMAT0.java (Too many open files)
1 error
at org.jetel.component.Reformat.init(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.Phase.init(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.WatchDog.runPhase(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.WatchDog.run(Unknown Source)
03:25:00,746 INFO [WatchDog] [WatchDog] !!! Phase finished with error - stopping graph run !!!
03:25:00,746 INFO [TransformationGraph] [Clover] WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 0 (sec)
03:25:00,746 INFO [TransformationGraph] [Clover] !!! Graph execution finished with errors !!!
I am attaching the rbacx.log file as well as the graph.
Hello Prerana,
It is difficult to help you, as I don't know which version of CloverETL OIA uses, nor can I run the graph without OIA. I managed to open your graph after minor modifications and my observations are the following:
You are using deprecated components (DelimitedDataReader and DelimitedDataWriter) and obsolete transformation language in Reformat (CTL Lite). Therefore I guess that OIA uses an outdated version of CloverETL. Furthermore, it seems the graph is executed on an application server.
Does the server run on a Unix-like machine? If so, can you increase the system limit for maximum number of open files with "ulimit -n"? From the error message, it seems that the graph fails because it reaches this limit.
Could you possibly attach a complete project, including the .fmt metadata files and the input files (or at least the .fmt files in the case that the input files contain confidential data)?
Also, any additional information regarding the execution environment would be appreciated (OS, Java version, OIA version and CloverETL version, if you can find it). It seems to me that OIA is installed on a Windows machine, but the graph is executed on a Unix-like machine. -
Assuming that you are using Oracle Identity Analytics 11g Release 1, according to http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24179_01/doc ... lytics.htm the version of CloverETL engine used is 1.8.1. This is a really old version, as the current release is 3.2.
Unless increasing the limit for the maximum number of open files helps, I am afraid I might not be able to help you, for even if I manage to execute the graph locally, the problem might be in the configuration of the server. Or there could simply be a bug in the CloverETL engine, which may have been fixed in one of the following versions, but I doubt you are able to update the engine.
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