Hi there,
I am quite new to this component in Clover. I am hoping someone will be able to help me understand how this thing works.
For example, I have two input fields for this component: id and name. I'm not sure which properties do I need to put values.
I hope someone can explain this better to me.
Thanks much,
I am quite new to this component in Clover. I am hoping someone will be able to help me understand how this thing works.
For example, I have two input fields for this component: id and name. I'm not sure which properties do I need to put values.
I hope someone can explain this better to me.
Thanks much,
Hi jed_urETLguy,
you should read http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ ... table.html
Then example of usage you can find in RealWorldExamples in graph graphDatabaseAccess.grf
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