I found that kind of request was raised out several years ago as
But I did not find the corresponding source in download section, anyone could elaborate it? Other helpful information is also appreciated.
But I did not find the corresponding source in download section, anyone could elaborate it? Other helpful information is also appreciated.
Hi evanchen,
JUnit is used for testing facility code of components. Components itself are tested by internal/private tool based on engine.
So you have to start engine, run graph and check results. The tool works in the same way. -
Hi Jaroslav,
Thanks for your reply.
Furthermore, how to generate JUnit tests to validate a graph using CloverETL server?
I am just curious that do you have any example for it? :mrgreen:
Best, -
Hi evanchen,
use http://server-demo-ec2.cloveretl.com/cl ... p-api.html
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