As I am new to CloverEtl, Can anyone help me out in the below decribed problem....
I am referring simpleExamples given by CloverEtl itself. In that example, there is one graph known as "graphApproximativeJoin".
Now, in that there is one component known as 'Approximative Join'. Usually when we edit this component we see following options in properties..
Basic, Deprecated, Visual, Common.
But in "graphApproximativeJoin", it includes following options in Approximative join component Properties..
Basic, Deprecated, Custom, Visual, Common.
How do I get 'Custom' option in my approximative Join Component????
As I am new to CloverEtl, Can anyone help me out in the below decribed problem....
I am referring simpleExamples given by CloverEtl itself. In that example, there is one graph known as "graphApproximativeJoin".
Now, in that there is one component known as 'Approximative Join'. Usually when we edit this component we see following options in properties..
Basic, Deprecated, Visual, Common.
But in "graphApproximativeJoin", it includes following options in Approximative join component Properties..
Basic, Deprecated, Custom, Visual, Common.
How do I get 'Custom' option in my approximative Join Component????
Hi Megha,
I don't understand what you are referring to. Please read documentation here: http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ ... ejoin.html
Only reference to "custom" here is:CTL scripting allows you to specify custom field mapping using the simple CTL scripting language.
Hey Kubosj,
Thanks for your reply. I am referring to the same link you have suggested me.
Have you seen the simpleExamples provided by CloverEtl itself ?
If you are going to see that, you are going to find one Graph known as "graphApproximativeJoin". In that graph, if you are going to double click on the component "Approximative Join", you will find one extra field in the "Properties Section", ie. Custom
If you are going to double click on "Approximative JOin" component, then you will be able to see the following:
Custom -> seq_name: Sequence0
But in my component(ApproximativeJoin), I am not getting Custom option due to which I am not able to put the value of Sequence0.
I am only getting the following:
Now, Can you tell me how will I get the Custom option extra in my "Approximative Join Component"??
Megha -
Hi Megha,
now I see. The trick is like this:
* to have custom fields on component you must edit source xml and add component attribute likeseq_name="Sequence0"
* then it appears among properties in Custom section - but itself it is worthless
* graph you mentioned uses java transformation which can read all properties of component
* it reads "seq_name" and uses it for getting sequence object
Hope this helps. -
Hii Kubos,
Thanks for the help. It really worked.
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