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Multi XML HTTP GET requests

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    thinking about your use case, I think best solution is to use UniversalDataWriter for writing XML files. It is possible to use it for writing content of record. And you can have one file for each record.

    I have created graph example which:
    - performs 7 HTTP requests
    - response for each of them is XML content
    - uses UniversalDataWriter to write 7 files (one for each XML response)
    ( there is also example how to parse XML files for its data, but I think it is not needed here)

    See attached graph if it does what you need.
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    OK i see better the use of UniversalDataWriter, it's exactly what I was asking for, the possibility to just read and write, as some input files may require asynchronous processing (due to low reliability on structure).

    Thank you very much for your help


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