Hi there,
I was using Approximative Join to do a certain process. I just found out that it cannot join fields in which its matching key or join key has numeric values in it. What I wanna do is I have two files, and I have a key common to both. Those keys that aren't found in my slave file, I wanna output them using Approximative Join, however due to its limitation to distinguish numeric values, it cannot match those records that have numbers on the key values.
I need help here!!! I hope this isn't Clover's bug.
I was using Approximative Join to do a certain process. I just found out that it cannot join fields in which its matching key or join key has numeric values in it. What I wanna do is I have two files, and I have a key common to both. Those keys that aren't found in my slave file, I wanna output them using Approximative Join, however due to its limitation to distinguish numeric values, it cannot match those records that have numbers on the key values.
I need help here!!! I hope this isn't Clover's bug.
Approximative Join is meant for joining records from two ports based on similarity of the keys - not exact match. It uses edit-distance to calculate how similar two keys are and if result/similarity is within set boundary it calls it a match and outputs them. It can work also on numbers, but it treats individual digits.
Usage example of this join may be joining two sets of records based on person's name and phone number, where you may have some typos or variations.
Based on what you described - joining sets on exact match of keys - use MergeJoin, HashJoin or DataIntersection.
You may also watch Clover's video tutorial on joining.
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