Hi All,
I am new user to the clover ETL designer. I am trying to get some data from the webservice but I am getting the following error. Could you please let me know how to fix this error.
Following is the log file.
INFO [main] - *** CloverETL framework/transformation graph, (c) 2002-2012 Javlin a.s, released under GNU Lesser General Public License ***
INFO [main] - Running with CloverETL library version 3.3.0 build#021 compiled 15/10/2012 15:10:55
INFO [main] - Running on 1 CPU(s), OS Windows Server 2008 R2, architecture amd64, Java version 1.7.0_07, max available memory for JVM 152448 KB
INFO [main] - Loading default properties from: defaultProperties
INFO [main] - Graph definition file: graph/SalesforceContactList.grf
INFO [main] - Graph revision: 1.27 Modified by: clover Modified: Tue Dec 11 16:52:20 UTC 2012
INFO [main] - Checking graph configuration...
INFO [main] - Graph configuration is valid.
INFO [main] - Graph initialization (example08_2)
INFO [main] - [Clover] Initializing phase: 0
WARN [main] - RETRIEVE_CONTACTS: Mapping error - Unknown element 'TypeOverride' is ignored with all it's child elements.
INFO [main] - Messenger configuration context loaded.
INFO [main] - Axis2-specific client dispatcher established for service SforceService based on WSDL document.
INFO [main] - Axis2 modules engaged for client dispatcher.
INFO [main] - WS-Policy expressions processed.
INFO [main] - Message validation on request is disabled.
INFO [main] - Message validation on response is disabled.
INFO [main] - Asynchronous messenger initialized for operation '{urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com}SforceService#Soap#query'.
INFO [main] - [Clover] phase: 0 initialized successfully.
INFO [WatchDog] - Initial dictionary content:
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionID:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionURL:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtJoiner:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - Starting up all nodes in phase [0]
INFO [WatchDog] - Successfully started all nodes in phase!
ERROR [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - The system cannot infer the transport information from the null URL.
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Error occured while executing web service call. Printing request/response details:
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Web Service Client request header:
<urn:SessionHeader xmlns:urn="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com">
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Web Service Client request body:
<urn:query xmlns:urn="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com">
<urn:queryString>SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Birthdate FROM Contact</urn:queryString>
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Web Service Client response:
ERROR [WatchDog] - Graph execution finished with error
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node RETRIEVE_CONTACTS finished with status: ERROR caused by: Unable to send messege to remote Web Service endpoint.
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node RETRIEVE_CONTACTS error details:
com.opensys.cloveretl.component.ws.exception.SendingMessageException: Unable to send messege to remote Web Service endpoint.
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.ws.proxy.a.b(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.ws.proxy.a.a(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.WebServiceClient.a(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.WebServiceClient.execute(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:465)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
Caused by: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The system cannot infer the transport information from the null URL.
at org.apache.axis2.description.ClientUtils.inferOutTransport(ClientUtils.java:82)
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.prepareMessageContext(OperationClient.java:304)
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(OutInAxisOperation.java:180)
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(OperationClient.java:165)
at org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceiveNonBlocking(ServiceClient.java:631)
... 6 more
INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] Post-execute phase finalization: 0
INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] phase: 0 post-execute finalization successfully.
INFO [WatchDog] - Execution of phase [0] finished with error - elapsed time(sec): 0
ERROR [WatchDog] - !!! Phase finished with error - stopping graph run !!!
INFO [WatchDog] - Final dictionary content:
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionID:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionURL:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtJoiner:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - -----------------------** Summary of Phases execution **---------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Phase# Finished Status RunTime(sec) MemoryAllocation(KB)
INFO [WatchDog] - 0 ERROR 0 16919
INFO [WatchDog] - ------------------------------** End of Summary **---------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 0 (sec)
INFO [main] - Freeing graph resources.
ERROR [main] - Execution of graph failed !
Thanks & Regards,
I am new user to the clover ETL designer. I am trying to get some data from the webservice but I am getting the following error. Could you please let me know how to fix this error.
Following is the log file.
INFO [main] - *** CloverETL framework/transformation graph, (c) 2002-2012 Javlin a.s, released under GNU Lesser General Public License ***
INFO [main] - Running with CloverETL library version 3.3.0 build#021 compiled 15/10/2012 15:10:55
INFO [main] - Running on 1 CPU(s), OS Windows Server 2008 R2, architecture amd64, Java version 1.7.0_07, max available memory for JVM 152448 KB
INFO [main] - Loading default properties from: defaultProperties
INFO [main] - Graph definition file: graph/SalesforceContactList.grf
INFO [main] - Graph revision: 1.27 Modified by: clover Modified: Tue Dec 11 16:52:20 UTC 2012
INFO [main] - Checking graph configuration...
INFO [main] - Graph configuration is valid.
INFO [main] - Graph initialization (example08_2)
INFO [main] - [Clover] Initializing phase: 0
WARN [main] - RETRIEVE_CONTACTS: Mapping error - Unknown element 'TypeOverride' is ignored with all it's child elements.
INFO [main] - Messenger configuration context loaded.
INFO [main] - Axis2-specific client dispatcher established for service SforceService based on WSDL document.
INFO [main] - Axis2 modules engaged for client dispatcher.
INFO [main] - WS-Policy expressions processed.
INFO [main] - Message validation on request is disabled.
INFO [main] - Message validation on response is disabled.
INFO [main] - Asynchronous messenger initialized for operation '{urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com}SforceService#Soap#query'.
INFO [main] - [Clover] phase: 0 initialized successfully.
INFO [WatchDog] - Initial dictionary content:
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionID:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionURL:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtJoiner:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - Starting up all nodes in phase [0]
INFO [WatchDog] - Successfully started all nodes in phase!
ERROR [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - The system cannot infer the transport information from the null URL.
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Error occured while executing web service call. Printing request/response details:
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Web Service Client request header:
<urn:SessionHeader xmlns:urn="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com">
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Web Service Client request body:
<urn:query xmlns:urn="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com">
<urn:queryString>SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Birthdate FROM Contact</urn:queryString>
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Web Service Client response:
ERROR [WatchDog] - Graph execution finished with error
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node RETRIEVE_CONTACTS finished with status: ERROR caused by: Unable to send messege to remote Web Service endpoint.
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node RETRIEVE_CONTACTS error details:
com.opensys.cloveretl.component.ws.exception.SendingMessageException: Unable to send messege to remote Web Service endpoint.
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.ws.proxy.a.b(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.ws.proxy.a.a(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.WebServiceClient.a(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.WebServiceClient.execute(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:465)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
Caused by: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The system cannot infer the transport information from the null URL.
at org.apache.axis2.description.ClientUtils.inferOutTransport(ClientUtils.java:82)
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.prepareMessageContext(OperationClient.java:304)
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(OutInAxisOperation.java:180)
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(OperationClient.java:165)
at org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceiveNonBlocking(ServiceClient.java:631)
... 6 more
INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] Post-execute phase finalization: 0
INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] phase: 0 post-execute finalization successfully.
INFO [WatchDog] - Execution of phase [0] finished with error - elapsed time(sec): 0
ERROR [WatchDog] - !!! Phase finished with error - stopping graph run !!!
INFO [WatchDog] - Final dictionary content:
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionID:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionURL:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtJoiner:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - -----------------------** Summary of Phases execution **---------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Phase# Finished Status RunTime(sec) MemoryAllocation(KB)
INFO [WatchDog] - 0 ERROR 0 16919
INFO [WatchDog] - ------------------------------** End of Summary **---------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 0 (sec)
INFO [main] - Freeing graph resources.
ERROR [main] - Execution of graph failed !
Thanks & Regards,
Hello, Akhil,
if I may, I have a few questions for you:
1. Are you working the whole time with the authentication token send by salesforce server during login process? If you are not, please see the example showing typical usage of salesforce api. You can find it on your welcome screen (Designer GUI -> Help -> Welcome -> Explore Examples -> Salesforce).
2. Can you please turn on debug level logging? (Run -> Run Configurations... -> Log level) Then post the new log here, please.
3. Can you post also your graph? This is for us being able to reproduce your issue.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards, -
I am trying to run the example mapping for salesforce, 06-ExternalInteraction-SalesforceWebServices - 06-Graph-2.grf. The same map I have renamed as SalesforceContactList.grf. Please find the XML file of the mapping.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Graph author="Wesley" created="Tue Jul 31 13:22:30 CEST 2012" guiVersion="3.3.0.P" id="1343739683455" licenseType="Evaluation" modified="Thu Dec 13 08:27:19 UTC 2012" modifiedBy="clover" name="example08_2" revision="1.29" showComponentDetails="true">
<Metadata id="Metadata0" previewAttachmentCharset="ISO-8859-1">
<Record fieldDelimiter="|" name="recordName1" previewAttachmentCharset="ISO-8859-1" recordDelimiter="\r\n" type="delimited">
<Field name="sessionID" type="string"/>
<Field name="serverURL" type="string"/>
<Field auto_filling="default_value" default="a" name="joiner" type="string"/>
<Metadata id="Metadata1" previewAttachmentCharset="ISO-8859-1">
<Record fieldDelimiter="|" name="recordName2" previewAttachmentCharset="ISO-8859-1" recordDelimiter="\r\n" type="delimited">
<Field name="id" type="string"/>
<Field name="first_name" type="string"/>
<Field name="last_name" type="string"/>
<Field name="birth_date" type="string"/>
<Property fileURL="workspace.prm" id="GraphParameter0"/>
<Entry id="DictionaryEntry0" input="true" name="dtJoiner" output="false" type="string"/>
<Entry id="DictionaryEntry1" input="true" name="dtSessionID" output="false" type="string"/>
<Entry id="DictionaryEntry2" input="true" name="dtSessionURL" output="false" type="string"/>
<Phase number="0">
<Node enabled="enabled" fileURL="${DATAOUT_DIR}/contct_list.txt" guiHeight="87" guiName="UniversalDataWriter" guiWidth="146" guiX="618" guiY="96" id="DATA_WRITER0" type="DATA_WRITER"/>
<Node enabled="enabled" guiHeight="65" guiName="Get Salesforce Credential" guiWidth="173" guiX="21" guiY="96" id="GET_SALESFORCE_CREDENTIAL" type="GET_JOB_INPUT">
<attr name="mapping"><![CDATA[//#CTL2
// Transforms input record into output record.
function integer transform() {
$out.0.joiner = $in.0.dtJoiner;
$out.0.sessionID = $in.0.dtSessionID;
$out.0.serverURL = $in.0.dtSessionURL;
return OK;
// Called during component initialization.
// function boolean init() {}
// Called during each graph run before the transform is executed. May be used to allocate and initialize resources
// required by the transform. All resources allocated within this method should be released
// by the postExecute() method.
// function void preExecute() {}
// Called only if transform() throws an exception.
// function integer transformOnError(string errorMessage, string stackTrace) {}
// Called during each graph run after the entire transform was executed. Should be used to free any resources
// allocated within the preExecute() method.
// function void postExecute() {}
// Called to return a user-defined error message when an error occurs.
// function string getMessage() {}
<Node enabled="enabled" guiHeight="65" guiName="Retrieve Contacts" guiWidth="132" guiX="294" guiY="96" id="RETRIEVE_CONTACTS" namespaceBindings="XMLS=http\://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema incl=http\://www.w3.org/2004/08/xop/include pref=urn\:enterprise.soap.sforce.com pref1=urn\:fault.enterprise.soap.sforce.com " operationName="{urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com}SforceService#Soap#query" overrideServerURLFromField="serverURL" type="WEB_SERVICE_CLIENT" useNestedNodes="true" wsdlURL="${DATAIN_DIR}/enterprise.wsdl.xml">
<attr name="requestHeaderStructure"><![CDATA[<urn:SessionHeader xmlns:urn="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com">
<attr name="requestStructure"><![CDATA[<urn:query xmlns:urn="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com">
<urn:queryString>SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Birthdate FROM Contact</urn:queryString>
<attr name="responseMapping"><![CDATA[<Mappings>
<TypeOverride elementPath="/pref:queryResponse/pref:result/pref:records" overridingType="{urn:sobject.enterprise.soap.sforce.com}Contact" />
<Mapping element="pref:queryResponse">
<Mapping element="pref:result">
<Mapping element="pref:records" outPort="0"
<Edge debugMode="true" fromNode="GET_SALESFORCE_CREDENTIAL:0" guiBendpoints="" guiRouter="Manhattan" id="Edge0" inPort="Port 0 (request)" metadata="Metadata0" outPort="Port 0 (out)" toNode="RETRIEVE_CONTACTS:0"/>
<Edge debugMode="true" fromNode="RETRIEVE_CONTACTS:0" guiBendpoints="" guiRouter="Manhattan" id="Edge1" inPort="Port 0 (in)" metadata="Metadata1" outPort="Port 0 (response)" toNode="DATA_WRITER0:0"/>
I ran the graph with the debug mode but both the logs looks the same.
INFO [main] - *** CloverETL framework/transformation graph, (c) 2002-2012 Javlin a.s, released under GNU Lesser General Public License ***
INFO [main] - Running with CloverETL library version 3.3.0 build#021 compiled 15/10/2012 15:10:55
INFO [main] - Running on 1 CPU(s), OS Windows Server 2008 R2, architecture amd64, Java version 1.7.0_07, max available memory for JVM 152448 KB
INFO [main] - Loading default properties from: defaultProperties
INFO [main] - Graph definition file: graph/SalesforceContactList.grf
INFO [main] - Graph revision: 1.29 Modified by: clover Modified: Thu Dec 13 08:27:19 UTC 2012
INFO [main] - Checking graph configuration...
INFO [main] - Graph configuration is valid.
INFO [main] - Graph initialization (example08_2)
INFO [main] - [Clover] Initializing phase: 0
WARN [main] - RETRIEVE_CONTACTS: Mapping error - Unknown element 'TypeOverride' is ignored with all it's child elements.
INFO [main] - Messenger configuration context loaded.
INFO [main] - Axis2-specific client dispatcher established for service SforceService based on WSDL document.
INFO [main] - Axis2 modules engaged for client dispatcher.
INFO [main] - WS-Policy expressions processed.
INFO [main] - Message validation on request is disabled.
INFO [main] - Message validation on response is disabled.
INFO [main] - Asynchronous messenger initialized for operation '{urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com}SforceService#Soap#query'.
INFO [main] - [Clover] phase: 0 initialized successfully.
INFO [WatchDog] - Initial dictionary content:
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionID:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionURL:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtJoiner:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - Starting up all nodes in phase [0]
INFO [WatchDog] - Successfully started all nodes in phase!
ERROR [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - The system cannot infer the transport information from the null URL.
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Error occured while executing web service call. Printing request/response details:
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Web Service Client request header:
<urn:SessionHeader xmlns:urn="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com">
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Web Service Client request body:
<urn:query xmlns:urn="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com">
<urn:queryString>SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Birthdate FROM Contact</urn:queryString>
INFO [RETRIEVE_CONTACTS_0] - Web Service Client response:
ERROR [WatchDog] - Graph execution finished with error
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node RETRIEVE_CONTACTS finished with status: ERROR caused by: Unable to send messege to remote Web Service endpoint.
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node RETRIEVE_CONTACTS error details:
com.opensys.cloveretl.component.ws.exception.SendingMessageException: Unable to send messege to remote Web Service endpoint.
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.ws.proxy.a.b(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.ws.proxy.a.a(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.WebServiceClient.a(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.WebServiceClient.execute(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:465)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
Caused by: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The system cannot infer the transport information from the null URL.
at org.apache.axis2.description.ClientUtils.inferOutTransport(ClientUtils.java:82)
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.prepareMessageContext(OperationClient.java:304)
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(OutInAxisOperation.java:180)
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(OperationClient.java:165)
at org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceiveNonBlocking(ServiceClient.java:631)
... 6 more
INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] Post-execute phase finalization: 0
INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] phase: 0 post-execute finalization successfully.
INFO [WatchDog] - Execution of phase [0] finished with error - elapsed time(sec): 0
ERROR [WatchDog] - !!! Phase finished with error - stopping graph run !!!
INFO [WatchDog] - Final dictionary content:
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionID:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtSessionURL:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - DictEntry:dtJoiner:string:null
INFO [WatchDog] - -----------------------** Summary of Phases execution **---------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Phase# Finished Status RunTime(sec) MemoryAllocation(KB)
INFO [WatchDog] - 0 ERROR 0 16680
INFO [WatchDog] - ------------------------------** End of Summary **---------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 0 (sec)
INFO [main] - Freeing graph resources.
ERROR [main] - Execution of graph failed !
Thanks & Regards,
Akhil -
Hi Akhil,
Thank you for all the detailed information. As you can see in JobFlowExamples this graph is just a "sub-graph" that is supposed to be executed from master JobFlow (06-ExternalInteraction-SalesforceWebServices.jbf). This particular graph expects to receive data from aforementioned JobFlow. As you can see in the log, dictionary entries that should be populated with input data are null. If you would like to run these examples, you should run this graph via the mentioned JobFlow.
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