Could somebody send me an example graph showing how to map horizontally orientated Excel data in Clover
My graph consists of an XLSDataReader object connected to a Trash object and I am using debug..View to look at the imported records.
I have spent a several hours on this without success (my first time with using CloverETL). My Excel 2007 file contents looks like:
MotorIdent | 1234567 | 234567
MotorType | AC395T | MCRT475
i.e. the field names should be MotorIdent and MotorType (arranged vertically in the XLS file) and there should be two records:
Field Names: | MotorIdent | MotorType
Record1: | 1234567 | AC395T
Record2: | 234567 | MCRT475
The metadata seems easy to set up - select horizontal for the orientation and then select the field names.
I also think I need to set up the mapping, but the mapping dialog box, called up from within the field mapping property of the XLSDataReader does not look like any of the video examples on the internet (which show a spreadsheet view) and does not appear to allow selection of horizontally orientated data.
My graph consists of an XLSDataReader object connected to a Trash object and I am using debug..View to look at the imported records.
I have spent a several hours on this without success (my first time with using CloverETL). My Excel 2007 file contents looks like:
MotorIdent | 1234567 | 234567
MotorType | AC395T | MCRT475
i.e. the field names should be MotorIdent and MotorType (arranged vertically in the XLS file) and there should be two records:
Field Names: | MotorIdent | MotorType
Record1: | 1234567 | AC395T
Record2: | 234567 | MCRT475
The metadata seems easy to set up - select horizontal for the orientation and then select the field names.
I also think I need to set up the mapping, but the mapping dialog box, called up from within the field mapping property of the XLSDataReader does not look like any of the video examples on the internet (which show a spreadsheet view) and does not appear to allow selection of horizontally orientated data.
Hi WilliamTell,
the thing is that you are using XLSDataReader. If you would like to read data from XLS file horizontally, you should use new SpreadsheetDataReader instead, but it is not available in Community Edition.
SpreadsheetDataReader offers the mapping tool you mentioned in your post. You can simply drag&drop metadata fields to spreadsheet. However, before you do so, you should change "Orientation" in global properties (right bottom pane in Spreadsheet Mapping Editor). Should you need any further information about SpreadsheetDataReader, please visit -
Thanks for your reply slechtaj. I will give that a try.
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