I would like to use $ inside file name when I use UniversalDataWriter. As I find at help document, the $ is the partition file name per records, yes I understand what does it mean, but I really would like to use it in the file name such as Local$20120531.dat. Do you have any solution to suggests me.
Thank you.
I would like to use $ inside file name when I use UniversalDataWriter. As I find at help document, the $ is the partition file name per records, yes I understand what does it mean, but I really would like to use it in the file name such as Local$20120531.dat. Do you have any solution to suggests me.
Thank you.
Hi, Jean,
Please replace dollar sign in the file name with %24. The whole name will be: Local%2420120531.dat
Best regards, -
Thank you!!!!
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