Trying to run a simple graph using database connection.
Server is Linux, which is also running CloverETLServer using Tomcat at Port 8085
I have ojdbc6.jar in the tomcat/webapps/clover/WEB-INF/lib directory
My local Clover ETL GUI is connecting to Oracle database via thin client, connect string is fine but connection is off, likely due to firewall issue.
I have also compiled and tested another thin client jar to connect to my oracle database and connected fine through sqlnet (in SSH session on server).
What I noticed is the local Clover ETL GUI uses local driver (ojdbc6.jar), correct?
But...on the server which will run the graphs...how can I test the ojdbc6.jar, if I can only test the local jar file from CLOVER etl GUI?
Trying to run a simple graph using database connection.
Server is Linux, which is also running CloverETLServer using Tomcat at Port 8085
I have ojdbc6.jar in the tomcat/webapps/clover/WEB-INF/lib directory
My local Clover ETL GUI is connecting to Oracle database via thin client, connect string is fine but connection is off, likely due to firewall issue.
I have also compiled and tested another thin client jar to connect to my oracle database and connected fine through sqlnet (in SSH session on server).
What I noticed is the local Clover ETL GUI uses local driver (ojdbc6.jar), correct?
But...on the server which will run the graphs...how can I test the ojdbc6.jar, if I can only test the local jar file from CLOVER etl GUI?
Hi chazpraz,
Both Designer and Server does contain embedded ojdbc6.jar. It is used when you select Oracle "JDBC specific" and driver. Do I understand correctly that you are trying to use own version? Why?
When Database Connection is validated, it is indeed used driver and connection on local computer. So by this approach you will not check Server issue.
When you run graph using problematic connection on Server, how error in graph execution log looks like?
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