Many components allow for a java class that implements an interface, e.g. Transform, to be used by specifying a full class name in the component properties. I can't find documentation or and example that indicates where the jar containing my super rad Java code should be placed so it can be loaded by the appropriate classloader at runtime ( designer and server ). Can someone point me towards an example or illuminate me as to a solution?
Many components allow for a java class that implements an interface, e.g. Transform, to be used by specifying a full class name in the component properties. I can't find documentation or and example that indicates where the jar containing my super rad Java code should be placed so it can be loaded by the appropriate classloader at runtime ( designer and server ). Can someone point me towards an example or illuminate me as to a solution?
Dear Andrew,
you can use "trans" subdirectory of your project. See http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ ... jects.html All classes found there are put on classpath.
for *.jar files:
* in Designer must be added on classpath explicitely via "Run configuration dialog"
* on Server it depends on application server - for Tomcat, it should be enough to put them into [tomcat]/lib and they will be loaded automatically
I hope this helps. -
Thank you very much. That is exactly what I was looking for. I read that page in the documentation and missed the "trans" directory. I should have read more carefully.
Much obliged,
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