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Push Data to SAP System using open source Clover ETL

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    Dear Sisir,

    If you mean Community version of CloverETL Designer then the answer is unfortunately "no". See this topic for more details: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6670

    But if you had at least trial version of CloverETL Designer and the proper jdbc driver, you should be able to connect to SAP and push your data there as IDoc is basically just a structured plain text file. You can find more info here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=511&p=1890

    The only thing that changed since that post was published in 2009 is XMLXPathReader which was basically replaced by newer XMLReader component.

    And if you want to use CloverETL Designer for reading of IDoc format files, you can use ComplexDataReader component, ... eader.html

    Kind regards,

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