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Invoking Transform class by passing params

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    Hi Varkashy,

    Yes it is possible, put compiled transformation class on application server classpath (e.g. [tomcat]\lib) and then refer in "Transform class" property of Reformat.
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    Hi , thanks for your input.

    By putting file in the class path i was able to invoke it across different sandboxes.
    However, is there a way to pass params to the transform method of the class? i.e. passing params received by reformat component's input port?
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    Hi Varkashy,

    Yes, it is possible. Sample of reading input port is visible here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5444#p8588 in file passing_parameters.grf

    There is simple trick to generate sample of Java code:

    1. prepare graph including Reformat with sample CTL2 code accessing ports
    2. in code editor, press "Convert to Java" int the top-right corner of dialog
    3. you should see CTL2 code equivalent in Java

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