Dear team,
I set a very basic example where I'd like to read 3 records from an Excel sheet.
These 3 records contain some field with empty value (empty cell in Excel).
Then, even if I set the metadata for these field nullable="true", I cannot see these record in the "view data" in debug mode (on the metadata edge).
And I got the error : Edge debug error: Unknown error (please check edge metadata)
Can you please let me know how I should set the metadata in order to be able to view all data even if some records contain empty value?
I set a very basic example where I'd like to read 3 records from an Excel sheet.
These 3 records contain some field with empty value (empty cell in Excel).
Then, even if I set the metadata for these field nullable="true", I cannot see these record in the "view data" in debug mode (on the metadata edge).
And I got the error : Edge debug error: Unknown error (please check edge metadata)
Can you please let me know how I should set the metadata in order to be able to view all data even if some records contain empty value?
Dear jcuendet,
First of all, you are using the old component XLSDataReader. If possible use the new component SpreadsheetDataReader. Community version of Designer does not have SpreadsheetDataReader but I have tried to reproduce your issue on my side even with XLSDataReader and everything worked ok. And I did not have to set metadata with any extra settings beyond number, type and name of the fields.
Could you please provide more details about your version of Designer, your input data, field mapping in XLSDataReader and so on? It would be the best if you could post both your graph and your input file. This way I could test it with the same conditions as you have.
Did you try to extract metadata from your spreadsheet directly? Outline pane -> Metadata -> New metadata -> Extract from XLS(X) file. This could help you solve the issue as well.
Kind regards, -
I'd like to ugrade my release to the latest one, but I cannot download new version from my account.
If I'm right my company paid the maintenance fee this year and I should get access to the latest download.
The contact person on our side is Thierry Boone. Can you please let me know how I can get the latest version.
Regarding the issue, please find enclosed the graph and input data (rename it to .xls).
Thanks for your feedback!
Regards -
I downloaded and installed the 3.4.3 version and everything is fine,
Thanks for your support
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