I want to be emailed when any CloverETL job fails or enters some other problematic states.
I see that I can configure jobflow event listeners to send alert emails when a job fails, but it appears to require a specific job to alert on.
Is there a way to set a jobflow event listener that automatically applies to all jobs?
I noticed there is a "Universal Event Listener" tab, but the form looks intimidating, requiring some Groovy code and whatnot.
I see that I can configure jobflow event listeners to send alert emails when a job fails, but it appears to require a specific job to alert on.
Is there a way to set a jobflow event listener that automatically applies to all jobs?
I noticed there is a "Universal Event Listener" tab, but the form looks intimidating, requiring some Groovy code and whatnot.
If you do not want to set event listener to every jobflow (in case you have many jobflows or you often create new jobflows), you can create graph which can check results of your jobflows. In your graph you can use server's HTTP API, which has operation named executions_history. By this way you can get details about your execution history and you can react when any jobflow fails (send email). This graph can be started repeatedly on the server by Scheduling.
For more details about HTTP API of CloverETL Server, please see documentation here:
http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/UserGuide/index.jsp?topic=/com.cloveretl.server.docs/docs/simple-http-api.html -
I do want the event listener to capture failures for any jobflow.
I want to know if there is a way to do that simply via the web interface, without writing code. -
If you leave Job file field empty and set only a sandbox, the listener works for all graphs or jobflows within the sandbox. You can see this functionality used e.g. here: http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ ... ut-failure
Kind regards, -
Ah, that's great! Thank you.
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