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Changing Server/Play ground settings for an existing project

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    Hi Sreehareesh,

    By "playground" you probably mean "sandbox", right?

    In that case you can:

    * import/export Server project via Designer - this can be also used for Server-Server migration
    * simply copy project files from one Server&sanbox to another Server&sandbox
    * rename existing sanbox - in Server web console go to "Sanboxes" tab, then select desired sandbox in tree, and in right panel select tab "Edit sanbox" - then you can rename sandbox and change its location in local filesystem

    I hope this helps.
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    Hi Jaroslav,

    Yes, actually I meant to say 'sandbox'. Beginner's mistakes :(
    I feel your solution is the one I'm looking for, still let me validate.
    Btw now we are using the trial/demo version of the designer and server. Will the above solution work in such an environment or it will work only in licensed versions?

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    our trial versions are just time limited versions of commercial products. So yes, it will work.

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