Hi There,
Wondering if you can help? I thought this was easy but its tripping me up.
I am writing data with JSON writer node and would like to dynamically name the output file by a value I am collecting upstream in the graph in attribute 'username'. I am also storing the attribute value of 'username' in the dictionary and would like files to be named 'usernameXX.json' for example.
I can do this using dictionary but I also need to FTP the file to a server and I can do that also but it appears I cannot do both?
Assume username = 'john_doe'
This works:
File URL = dict:username:source - results in 'john_doe.json'
// ok I can dynamically name the file, good.
This also works, not specified name:
File URL = ftp://user:pass@server.com/path/file_name.json - results in 'file_name.json'
// ok I can ftp the file, good.
But this does not work:
File URL = ftp://user:pass@server.com/path/${dict:username:source} - results in '0.dict:username:source' etc
neither this?
File URL = ftp://user:pass@server.com/path/${dictionary.username}
or this
File URL = ftp://user:pass@server.com/path/dict:username:source
// bummer, can't do both?
Any help on how I can pass the value of username attribute, from wherever, so it can be used within ftp string much appreciated.
Thanks, KTM
Wondering if you can help? I thought this was easy but its tripping me up.
I am writing data with JSON writer node and would like to dynamically name the output file by a value I am collecting upstream in the graph in attribute 'username'. I am also storing the attribute value of 'username' in the dictionary and would like files to be named 'usernameXX.json' for example.
I can do this using dictionary but I also need to FTP the file to a server and I can do that also but it appears I cannot do both?
Assume username = 'john_doe'
This works:
File URL = dict:username:source - results in 'john_doe.json'
// ok I can dynamically name the file, good.
This also works, not specified name:
File URL = ftp://user:pass@server.com/path/file_name.json - results in 'file_name.json'
// ok I can ftp the file, good.
But this does not work:
File URL = ftp://user:pass@server.com/path/${dict:username:source} - results in '0.dict:username:source' etc
neither this?
File URL = ftp://user:pass@server.com/path/${dictionary.username}
or this
File URL = ftp://user:pass@server.com/path/dict:username:source
// bummer, can't do both?
Any help on how I can pass the value of username attribute, from wherever, so it can be used within ftp string much appreciated.
Thanks, KTM
You can use for example File partition property of UniversalDataWriter. Please see my example.
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