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Can I write java code to access NoSQL DB (not MongoDB)?

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    Hi William,

    Easiest option would be to check whether your DB supports JDBC - some NoSQL DBs support subset of functionality through JDBC and sometimes it is enough. They you can try to use it with Clover. Some JDBC drivers works even if they are officially unsupported.

    If you decide to write your own component I have some links for you:
    * ... index.html
    * Sources of DbInputTable and MongoDb* are available for download on SourceForge as part of OpenSource Engine so you can take a look on it
    * JavaDoc is also available on SourceForge

    We typically base our decision on particular DB support on customer requests. Can you please tell me what database you are interested in? It would help us. Thank you!
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    Hi kubosj,

    Thank you very much for your quick answer.

    Actually, what I want to access is Oracle NoSQL. I will try following your advice. And if JDBC does not work, I will try to create a new component. To be honest, this is a big challenge for me.

    Best Regards,
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    Thank you for the info.

    I also forget to mention one more possibility. If you task is small - for example one time import of single table - it may be easier to implement only ... rmers.html and use it in transformer.
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    Thank you very much, Kubos.

    Sorry I was busy for another critical issue. Now it has been done, so I am back.

    I successfully created a custom component by following the guide but not started to modify the code to access NoSQL DB yet.
    From now on, I will try this.

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