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Database Lookup transaction open until graph completes

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    Hi nierman,

    Connection in DB lookup table is initialized during the graph initialization and it lasts until the graph is finished. It is not related to DataGenerator despite the fact that there is no other component using the lookup. And phases unfortunately do not help you in this case.

    I admit this should be improved, I have raised an issue in our bug tracker, see

    Until the improvement is done, you can use a workaround with jobflows (or RunGraphs if you do not have an access to jobflows). Please create a main jobflow containing two ExecuteGraph components. The first one (phase 0) loads data from DB and saves it into a temp file using CloverDataWriter. The second one (phase 1) reads the temp file and contains the components from phase 1 of your example graph. Using this solution, the connection for db lookup is released when the first child graph is finished.

    I hope this solution meets your requirement.

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    ah, ok, that's too bad. It would be ok if it were just keeping a connection open for the duration of the graph, but it's starting a transaction and not finishing that for the duration (i.e., with either a commit or rollback); I guess you are using a cursor to fetch results in stages for potentially large lookup result sets. In addition to the phase ordering I also tried retrieving all of the lookup's results in that first component using next() repeatedly in a loop, but the transaction remained in its "idle in transaction" state in that case as well.

    I'll probably pursue a temporary fix with either the temp files or moving the lookup tables to another database.

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