Hi Team,
Please help me!
1) Can we possible to connect to VPN(APPS Instance) from clover ETL? if yes please provide the steps or screen shots.
2) Can we possible to run PL/SQL Procedure or Package from Clover ETL? if yes please provide the steps or screen shots.
Thanks for the Help in Advance.
Please help me!
1) Can we possible to connect to VPN(APPS Instance) from clover ETL? if yes please provide the steps or screen shots.
2) Can we possible to run PL/SQL Procedure or Package from Clover ETL? if yes please provide the steps or screen shots.
Thanks for the Help in Advance.
Hi Jagan,
Question #1: Could you please specify what exactly you mean by this question (VPN Access through CloverETL)? In case you want to run any third party application using a system command, you may try SystemExecute (http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ ... ecute.html).
Question #2: Regarding the second question, you can run PL/SQL procedures from CloverETL using DBExecute component. Detailed information about this component and its settings is described in our documentation. Please refer to the following link for more information: http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ ... ecute.html
Hope this helps,
Jan -
Hi Jan Slechta,
1) Actually if i want to connect to oracle data base, for that first i have to connect to server through VPN(Virtual Private Network), so server is located in some other place not in my local machine.
Can we have feature to connect to VPN from clover etl?
Jagan. -
Hi Jagan,
It this case it seems the most suitable solution for you would be to run the VPN client from a command line using SystemExecute component. For more information about SystemExecute, please refer to our documentation: http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ ... ecute.html
Hope this helps.
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