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Endeca Integrator support for *.dita?

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    Regarding reading/processing XML based data in CloverETL, you may watch following piece from CloverETL's Quick Start Guide:

    Using XMLExtract
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    I've now got an XML_EXTRACT that appears to read records from the dita files using a schema. Thanks!

    Would you mind please pointing me to some documentation on creating the metadata, and configuring the Bulk Add/Replace? I'd appreciate it. I'm getting the error below:

    ERROR [WatchDog_0] - Error details:
    org.jetel.exception.JetelRuntimeException: Graph element [Bulk Add/Replace Records:BULK_ADD_REPLACE_RECORDS] failed with unknown cause.

    Thanks again.
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    I can't help you with BULK_ADD_REPLACE_RECORDS component as it is Endeca specific - you would need to contact Oracle Endeca support.

    As for metadata in CloverETL in general, you have many options. You can create them manually or extract from some existing structure - like XSD.
    See this doc on importing metadata from XSD file.
    You may also look at the whole Metadata section of CloverETL Documentation.

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