I'm looking for a way to back up the server configuration, I can rebuild the server rather quickly but I'd like to preserve the schedule and the graphs. The graphs just sit on the file system so that should be trivial, but where is the schedule located? I can pull it out of the Server Console manually, but that can't be automated.
We have a special feature for this purpose, see Server Configuration Migration chapter in our documentation.
Graphs and the other parts of sandboxes can be migrated by downloading a zip file with the whole sandbox and uploading it into another CloverETL Server.
Regards, -
This looks like a manual export, which can only be kicked off by logging into the server console and running the export command. Is there any way to kick this off automatically (maybe dump the zip file into the file system somewhere), or is there maybe some set of files that can be backed up to perform the same purpose?
The goal is to back up the Clover server on a schedule without any user intervention. -
There is, you can use HTTP API. To be more specific, the operation names are export_server_config and import_server_config. Here is documentation page of the HTTP API.
These operations can be called from HTTPConnector in a CloverETL graph which can be of course automatized for example by Schedulers. -
That is exactly what I was looking for, thank you!
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