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Metadata extraction failed

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    Lukas Cholasta
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    Graphs in the Designer are running in an environment called Runtime. This Runtime runs as a separate Java process and communicates with the Designer via a port. The error message says that this port is blocked for some reason. The Runtime is needed to extract the metadata as it is the process which connects to the database. Please try to do the following.

      1. Temporarily turn-off your firewall to see if it's not blocking the communication. If it doesn't help, turn it on again.
      2. Reinstall the Designer.
      3. Let me know which version of the Designer you are using and whether the issue persists.
      4. And if the issue persists please provide me with a Runtime log file. You can access it via the small downward-facing arrow in the right-bottom corner of the Designer. Please copy-paste its whole content.

    Thank you,
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    I wish I had a better follow-up, but yesterday changing the firewall did not help. Today when I turned on my computer . . . no problem. Thank you for your time and attention!

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