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See HTTPConnector Raw Request

Comments 3

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    Lukas Cholasta
    • Official comment
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    Hello Peter,

    There is a better way to display what exactly is being sent now. If you set the logging level on your job to DEBUG, the resulting run log will contain information on what exactly was sent by the HTTPConnector. There are two ways to do that.

    1. In the Designer:
    2. In the CloverDX Server console:
      - Navigate to Sandboxes and select your job in the tree on the left side of the view.
      - Select the Executions tab on the right side.
      - One of the options in the first drop-down menu is called "log_level" - select that and add value "DEBUG".
      - Add the property and save the configuration.

    Now if you re-run your job, the run log will provide more detailed info and one of the items is also the headers, parameters and content of what was sent. If you have complicated cascade of jobs and need to get this information from one of the lower level jobs, it is better to set the log level on the root job, otherwise might not work properly.


    Kind regards,




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    The best approach is the installing the external protocol analyzer - This gives you full detail on the communication between CloverDX and external HTTPS services.
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    Peter Garbar
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    Is this still the best approach?

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