Have got two file that need to be process subsequently. With in that each file have got value that required to be added. Now the issue is when first file is process can save value into dictionary but when second file is process the value in dictionary is reset.
What is the option to store value if file are process subsequently with in JobFlow.
Just for the extra information
There is JobFlow and Graph that executed from JobFlow.
Hi Kavi,
A short answer to your question is that it depends on the way how you orchestrate your jobs. The best practice is to process a single file at a time by a child graph and propagate the dictionary value from that child graph to the parent jobflow. As for the former part of this flow, SetJobOutput is generally a good choice in the child graph and the CTL code could be as simple as this:
$out.0.myDictionary = $in.0.extractedValue;
When it comes to the latter part, you might want to take advantage of the Output Mapping configuration in the ExecuteGraph component by using code similar to this:
$out.0.myFieldInJobflow = $in.2.myDictionary;
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