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Creating and updating file like database tables

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    Tomas Pavlas
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    Let me clarify what you are trying to achieve. Based on the information provided, here is an example:

    You have File A stored and you receive File B, which you want to merge with File A. Could you specify the desired output result you are aiming for?

    Appending the data to File A using the FlatFileWriter seems more suitable in this situation, assuming our understanding is correct. Both approaches are possible, but keep in mind that creating a new file with all previous and current data will impact system memory usage.

    Regarding your third point, CloverDX has a native data format that includes metadata and stores data in binary. Here is a link to our documentation about the CloverDataWriter, which contains useful information about the format, examples, and use cases for appending and creating new files.

    Best regards, Tom.

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