We occasionally get delimited input files where the quote character is something other than single or double quote. For example,
I am not sure what is best approach to tackle these kinds of files since Clover seems to only accept single/double quote as a quote character.
If I ignore the ~ and try to strip it off in a transformer, I run the risk of getting a mismatch of fields when it parses the rows.
If I try to make the delimiter ~,~ I will have problems with fields that do not have any values.
The client says that the input files will never get over a certain size, so I could set the maximum field size above that number, take the entire row as a single field and run it through a transformation to parse out the individual fields. Is this the best approach for me to take? Any thoughts?
We occasionally get delimited input files where the quote character is something other than single or double quote. For example,
I am not sure what is best approach to tackle these kinds of files since Clover seems to only accept single/double quote as a quote character.
If I ignore the ~ and try to strip it off in a transformer, I run the risk of getting a mismatch of fields when it parses the rows.
If I try to make the delimiter ~,~ I will have problems with fields that do not have any values.
The client says that the input files will never get over a certain size, so I could set the maximum field size above that number, take the entire row as a single field and run it through a transformation to parse out the individual fields. Is this the best approach for me to take? Any thoughts?
Does anyone have an suggestions? I still can't think of an alternative to what I've posted above..
Anna -
I am going to try my suggested solution, which should be OK because my business contact says he has a limit on the size of the row (so I can bump up the maximum field size to contain the entire row) that he's willing to accept.
I was wondering, though, if it's worth putting in an enhancement request to allow for quoted input/ouput to be a user defined character (the "~" in my example). My solution seems like more of a work-around that is limited because you have to consider the entire row as a single field. On the other hand, I am not sure how common it is to get quotes other than single quote or double quote (we have a few source files that come in this way). Clover folks, what do you think?
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