============ my input FMT ==================
<Field name="ITEM_ID" type="numeric" nullable="false"/>
<Field name="COST" type="numeric" nullable="true"/>
============ my input data ==================
1, 10.00
3, 30.00
============ my output FMT ==================
<Field name="ITEM_ID" type="numeric" nullable="false"/>
<Field name="COST" type="string" nullable="true"/>
my transform method in my transform class:
public boolean transform(DataRecord[] _source, DataRecord[] _target)
DataRecord source = _source[0];
DataRecord target = _target[0];
Iterator<DataField> fields = source.iterator();
while (fields.hasNext()) {
DataField sourceField = fields.next();
String fieldName = sourceField.getMetadata().getName();
Object value = GetVal.getDouble(source, fieldName);
if (value != null && value.toString().length() > 0) {
String temp = value.toString();
SetVal.setString(target, fieldName, temp);
return true;
the output result:
1, 10.00
2, 10.00
3, 30.00
the COST for ITEM_ID #2 is NOT supposed to be 10.00, it should be blank... looks like it is taking the value from the previous record (COST from ITEM_ID #1) if i do not explicit set the value to blank in my transform method...
this is incorrect... is there an internal buffer that CloverETL uses for record field values that is not being cleaned up properly?
so my workaround is to add this to my transform method:
if (value == null || value.toString().length() == 0)
SetVal.setNull(target, fieldName);
but i am still puzzled by why when a field value is not set for a current record, it takes the value from the previous record??
============ my input FMT ==================
<Field name="ITEM_ID" type="numeric" nullable="false"/>
<Field name="COST" type="numeric" nullable="true"/>
============ my input data ==================
1, 10.00
3, 30.00
============ my output FMT ==================
<Field name="ITEM_ID" type="numeric" nullable="false"/>
<Field name="COST" type="string" nullable="true"/>
my transform method in my transform class:
public boolean transform(DataRecord[] _source, DataRecord[] _target)
DataRecord source = _source[0];
DataRecord target = _target[0];
Iterator<DataField> fields = source.iterator();
while (fields.hasNext()) {
DataField sourceField = fields.next();
String fieldName = sourceField.getMetadata().getName();
Object value = GetVal.getDouble(source, fieldName);
if (value != null && value.toString().length() > 0) {
String temp = value.toString();
SetVal.setString(target, fieldName, temp);
return true;
the output result:
1, 10.00
2, 10.00
3, 30.00
the COST for ITEM_ID #2 is NOT supposed to be 10.00, it should be blank... looks like it is taking the value from the previous record (COST from ITEM_ID #1) if i do not explicit set the value to blank in my transform method...
this is incorrect... is there an internal buffer that CloverETL uses for record field values that is not being cleaned up properly?
so my workaround is to add this to my transform method:
if (value == null || value.toString().length() == 0)
SetVal.setNull(target, fieldName);
but i am still puzzled by why when a field value is not set for a current record, it takes the value from the previous record??
it's really bug. For the meantime add:
before getting iterator.target.reset();
The fix will be in nearest release. -
Hi Agata,
sounds good...
Thanks :-)
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