I'm upgrading to version 2.6.0 and I ran into a problem using Sybase. Apparently, if you are at "isolation level 0" (i.e., READ_UNCOMMITTED) in Sybase, you cannot query a table without a unique index. I checked the code and realized that 2.6 sets isolation level directly to READ_UNCOMMITTED in the optimizeConnection() method in the DefaultConnection class. The Wiki says that there is an option for the connection spec transactionIsolation that lets you set this, but it doesn't appear to work and I can't find any code that calls the setTransactionIsolation method outside of optimizeConnection(). Am I missing something or has this feature disappeared? How can I set the isolation level to a higher level for this connection?
Hello, this bug will be fixed in 2.6.1 version (release approximately in 2 weeks or now available from SVN - see http://www.cloveretl.org/development/code-repository/). More over in 2.6.1 version there is sybase connection implementation and sybase jdbc specific, so if you choose sybase config for your connection you don't need to specific more attributes.
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