Running a graph writing to flat files causes jvm to run out of memory. Using the visualvm tool shows the the spawned process org.jetel.main.runGraphruns out of memory at about 20M. Is there a way to make clovergui start this with a -Xmx option so that the heap can be made larger?
Running a graph writing to flat files causes jvm to run out of memory. Using the visualvm tool shows the the spawned process org.jetel.main.runGraphruns out of memory at about 20M. Is there a way to make clovergui start this with a -Xmx option so that the heap can be made larger?
you can find the run configuration of the graph (in the Run -> Run configurations) and specify clover options there. Select the run configuration and in the first tab you can enter the Java memory size option. Alternatively you can specify any program and JVM arguments in the "Arguments" tab.
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