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question about DataFieldFactory

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    Yes, it is possible to introduce your own custom type of data field. Unfortunately this type of engine extension is not still pluginable. You would have to change inner implementation of various engine classes. And CTL (our custom scripting language) extension would be really non-trivial. We are seriously considering to set apart this ability to specialized extension point of our plugin system. However, it is not still assigned to any specified future release.

    None the less you decide to implement your own field type, we can use this forum thread to discuss the implementation issues.
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    Yeah, I thought I would have to dig into the clover code to get this to happen.

    I'd guess I have to two questions to start. One, would I only need to add hooks in DataFieldFactory for my field to get used? Or are there other areas where fields are created and DataFieldFactory is not used?

    And two, what are the serialization-type methods on the DataFields used for exactly? The functions like toByteBuffer. I've been looking through the code and I have an idea, but I'd rather get an authoritative explanation so I don't go thrashing through the weeds with the wrong ideas in my head.


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