Get this when I fire up Integrator. Admittedy the package comes from our IBM managed catalogue set up by IBM so they may well hasve stuffed it. Anyone had this message before "A Palette is not available". Thats all I can see in the palette window?
Get this when I fire up Integrator. Admittedy the package comes from our IBM managed catalogue set up by IBM so they may well hasve stuffed it. Anyone had this message before "A Palette is not available". Thats all I can see in the palette window?
Hi daves,
As this issue relates to IBM products please do contact IBM support in this matter directly. They need to be informed about this issue and will work with us directly if needed. Thank you for your cooperation!
Best regards, -
Hi Lukas
Ok forget the IBM involvement I got it working by changing the workspace setting. What happens is that the workspace name seems to determine the ability to display a palette. Again I will ask the question - anyone had this before? -
Hi daves,
This issue seems to be related to the IBM Integrator and not to the CloverETL Designer, therefore, please contact IBM directly again.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
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