I'm trying to download Clover GUI evaluated version using this installation guide, but I can't authorize. I'm using my e-mail as user name and my password, like for my profile, but nothing happens and Eclipse asks username and password again and again. Could you help me???
I'm trying to download Clover GUI evaluated version using this installation guide, but I can't authorize. I'm using my e-mail as user name and my password, like for my profile, but nothing happens and Eclipse asks username and password again and again. Could you help me???
today he had some issues with our website, which would also affect your CloverGUI download. Can you please try it again?
Jaro -
thank you, but still can't authorize anyway... -
sorry for the problems, unfortunately I cannot resolve it currently. We'll look into it first thing tomorrow.
Jaro -
Hi, bAton,
eval update works for me fine. Which version of eclipse do you use? In eclipse 3.4, I've noticed, that if you have more password protected udpate sites (e.g. commercial clover and evaluation clover), 3.4 plugin update manager may ask for passwords for all sites before moving on. Can this probably be the case?
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