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Normalize denormalized CSV

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    You have to "implement" these two functions inside Normalizer component (assuming you will use CTL):

    function count() {
    return 3;

    Function count() is called once for each input row/record. Its task is to tell component how many times it should call "transform()" function on input row. Each time, counter (counting from 0...) is passed into "transform()" and it has to produce one output record.

    function transform(idx) {
    switch (idx) {
    case 0: $$0.data1;
    case 1: $$0.data2;
    case 2: $$0.data3;

    I assume that output metadata of Normalizer contains 3 fields (first_name,last_name,data).
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    Thanks a lot for the fast answer.

    I tried it, but the there is an other problem. The number of data in the denormalized value varies between 1 and 10.

    In the count function i try to get the number of data values and in the transform function i try to cut out the related data.

    function count() {
    int i = 0;
    int pos = 0;
    string myString = $0.M_ACTORS;
    while( pos = index_of( myString,",",pos ) ){
    return i;

    function transform(idx) {
    int posStart = 0;
    int posEnd = 0;
    int i = 0;
    for( i; i < idx; ++i) {
    posStart = posEnd;
    posEnd = index_of( $0.M_ACTORS,",",posStart+1 );
    $0.M_NAME := $0.M_NAME;
    $0.M_STUDIO := $0.M_STUDIO;
    $0.M_ACTOR := substring( $0.M_ACTORS,posStart,posEnd-posStart );
    $0.M_CLASS := $0.M_CLASS;

    Do you have any experience in this problem ?

    Andreas Mack
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    You may do something like this:

    list values;

    function count() {
    return length(values);

    function transform(idx) {
    $0.M_NAME := $0.M_NAME;
    $0.M_STUDIO := $0.M_STUDIO;
    $0.M_ACTOR := values[idx];
    $0.M_CLASS := $0.M_CLASS;
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    Thanks a lot ... it works ! :lol:

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