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OutOfMemoryError with XMLWriter

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    XMLWriter puts all data into memory and then format them in xml file, so only way to use XMLWriter with big files is to increase the memory. StructureWriter writes data do file sequentially, so it has no problem with memory even for big files. The hack, that could solve your problem is to use joiner instead of XMLWriter, which will product xml records (one string field as a part of xml file) and then use StructerWriter with static header and footer.
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    Thanks for your reply!
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    I tried to work the problem out with a Joiner, but my problem is, that the Joiner-Output needs a hierarchical structure, to create a hierarchical XML-document similar to the output of the XMLWriter, but I didn't find a posibility to create a transformation into a hierarchical structure. I can only asign to fields of a record, and not to a hierarchical XML-Structure. What can I do?
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    I think about something like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Graph author="avackova" created="Thu Jun 11 13:46:15 CEST 2009" guiVersion="0.0.0.devel" id="1244721135669" licenseType="Evaluation license." modified="Thu Jun 11 14:16:26 CEST 2009" modifiedBy="avackova" name="xmlJoin" revision="1.24">
    <Metadata id="Metadata0">
    <Record fieldDelimiter="|" name="rec" recordDelimiter="\n" type="delimited">
    <Field name="key" type="string"/>
    <Field name="data" type="string"/>
    <Metadata id="Metadata1">
    <Record fieldDelimiter="|" name="xml" recordDelimiter="\n" type="delimited">
    <Field name="field1" type="string"/>
    <Property fileURL="workspace.prm" id="GraphParameter0"/>
    <Phase number="0">
    <Node enabled="enabled" generate="//#TL&#10;&#10;// Generates output record.&#10;function generate() {&#10;&#9;$0.key := 'key';&#10;&#9;$ := 'master data';&#10;}&#10;&#10;// Called during component initialization.&#10;// function init() {}&#10;&#10;// Called after the component finishes.&#10;// function finished() {}&#10;" guiHeight="0" guiName="DataGenerator" guiWidth="0" guiX="73" guiY="55" id="DATA_GENERATOR0" recordsNumber="1" type="DATA_GENERATOR"/>
    <Node enabled="enabled" generate="//#TL&#10;&#10;// Generates output record.&#10;function generate() {&#10;&#9;$0.key := 'key';&#10;&#9;$ := 'slave data: '+random_string(3,5);&#10;}&#10;&#10;// Called during component initialization.&#10;// function init() {}&#10;&#10;// Called after the component finishes.&#10;// function finished() {}&#10;" guiHeight="0" guiName="DataGenerator" guiWidth="0" guiX="74" guiY="159" id="DATA_GENERATOR1" recordsNumber="2" type="DATA_GENERATOR"/>
    <Node enabled="enabled" generate="function generate() {&#10;&#9;$0.key := 'key';&#10;&#9;$ := 'slave data: '+random_string(3,5);&#10;}&#10;" guiHeight="0" guiName="DataGenerator" guiWidth="0" guiX="69" guiY="270" id="DATA_GENERATOR2" recordsNumber="3" type="DATA_GENERATOR"/>
    <Node enabled="enabled" guiHeight="0" guiName="ExtHashJoin" guiWidth="0" guiX="351" guiY="52" id="EXT_HASH_JOIN0" joinKey="$key=$key;#$key=$key;#" slaveDuplicates="true" type="EXT_HASH_JOIN">
    <attr name="transform"><![CDATA[//#TL

    // Transforms input record into output record.
    function transform() {
    $0.field1 := '<master key=\"'+$0.key + '\" data=\"'+$'\">'+"\\n"+'\t<slave1=\"'+$'\"/>'+"\\n"+'\t<slave2=\"'+$ + '\"/>'+"\\n"+'</master>';

    // Called during component initialization.
    // function init() {}

    // Called after the component finishes.
    // function finished() {}
    <Node enabled="enabled" guiHeight="0" guiName="Trash" guiWidth="0" guiX="576" guiY="47" id="TRASH0" type="TRASH"/>
    <Edge fromNode="DATA_GENERATOR0:0" guiBendpoints="" id="Edge0" inPort="Port 0 (driver)" metadata="Metadata0" outPort="Port 0 (out)" toNode="EXT_HASH_JOIN0:0"/>
    <Edge fromNode="DATA_GENERATOR1:0" guiBendpoints="" id="Edge1" inPort="Port 1 (slave)" metadata="Metadata0" outPort="Port 0 (out)" toNode="EXT_HASH_JOIN0:1"/>
    <Edge fromNode="DATA_GENERATOR2:0" guiBendpoints="" id="Edge2" inPort="Port 2 (slave)" metadata="Metadata0" outPort="Port 0 (out)" toNode="EXT_HASH_JOIN0:2"/>
    <Edge debugMode="true" fromNode="EXT_HASH_JOIN0:0" guiBendpoints="" id="Edge3" inPort="Port 0 (in)" metadata="Metadata1" outPort="Port 0 (out)" toNode="TRASH0:0"/>

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