Hi CloverETL Team,
I need to read object id values and obviously some other fields of all records in my collection.But i found a faulty operation of mongo reader.At times it gives out the actual integer value of object and in other graphs found returning using $oid{} format.
For example if my record is as follows:
"_id" : ObjectId("53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff"),
"category" : "Part"
In output mapping of mongo reader i use source code $out.0.product_id = $in.1.jsonObject['_id'] .
But graph reader components product_id value is 53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff and for some graph product_id value is {"$oid":"53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff"}.
My requirement is the first case that's the actual value (53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff) without $oid . I'm really interested to know how to acquire both conditions.
Thanks in advance,
I need to read object id values and obviously some other fields of all records in my collection.But i found a faulty operation of mongo reader.At times it gives out the actual integer value of object and in other graphs found returning using $oid{} format.
For example if my record is as follows:
"_id" : ObjectId("53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff"),
"category" : "Part"
In output mapping of mongo reader i use source code $out.0.product_id = $in.1.jsonObject['_id'] .
But graph reader components product_id value is 53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff and for some graph product_id value is {"$oid":"53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff"}.
My requirement is the first case that's the actual value (53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff) without $oid . I'm really interested to know how to acquire both conditions.
Thanks in advance,
Hi sidharth,
Can you please check that your database really contains only ObjectId as _id? Because Mongo accepts as _id any data type. So it is well possible you have string "ObjectId(\"53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff\")" used as _id. Or even object {"$oid":"53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff"}. In that case you would need to dive into that object - so not only by "_id" but also "$oid".
You can check what _id values you have by Mongo viewer like RoboMongo. In case you won't be able to detect problem please send us screenshot of two expanded records - one which return correct _id and one which does not.
I hope this helps. -
The object id is present as "_id" : ObjectId("53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff").
I need to get value 53b0e85472a0ec06118b45ff in metadata product_id ,is it possible in output mapping of mongo reader to do the necessary adjustments.How do you suggest We dive into that object and take the value? -
Hi sidharth,
Diving into _id/$oid is not possible in MongoReader, there is available only one root key-value map. For that you need to pass whole JSON object text into JSONReader/Extract and extract value there. Sample mapping for JSONExtract may look like:
<Mapping element="json_object">
<Mapping element="_id">
<Mapping element="_x0024oid" outPort="0"
(x0024 is escape for $)
I hope this helps.
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