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UNC Support on 3.4.1?

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    The first thing we need to realize is that we do not support UNC paths in CloverETL 3.4 in any way. The official support of UNC paths came in CloverETL 3.5 and File URLs should always start with prefix smb://

    It may appear that 3.4 can also work with UNC paths because some of the required functionality is partially available but the key parts are still missing there. As you probably know, CloverETL Designer is an Eclipse plug-in and it is possible that Eclipse IDE tries to deal with UNC paths by itself. However, CloverETL Engine which runs CloverETL graphs is not Eclipse-based and your graphs containing UNC paths therefore fail with various errors.

    If you do not use CloverETL Server, the workaround should be simple. Just map your shared folder as a new network drive (for example Z) and use URL like Z:\folder\file when referring to the file. In case you use CloverETL Server, the workaround would be more complex and dependent on the way you use the Server. For more information, see the links below.

    How to access UNC (windows share) paths
    Map a network drive to be used by a service

    I hope this helps.

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