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GraphExecutor class?

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    It changed greatly between the various versions,
    I had to track its various versions,
    it has been carrying out the internal structure of the optimization and therefore not compatible between different versions.
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    Yes, the graph launching procedure was essentially reimplemented due clover server needs (check it out at Unfortunately public change log doesn't usually contain implementation updates. Please, revise your code according our runGraph main class.

    I have prepared small extract from the runGraph launcher:

    //clover engine initialization
    EngineInitializer.initEngine(pluginsRootDirectory, configFileName, logHost);
    //build graph from xml
    TransformationGraph graph = TransformationGraphXMLReaderWriter.loadGraph(in, runtimeContext.getAdditionalProperties());
    //prepare default runtime context
    GraphRuntimeContext runtimeContext = new GraphRuntimeContext();
    //initialize graph
    EngineInitializer.initGraph(graph, runtimeContext);
    //prepare simple thread manager
    IThreadManager threadManager = new SimpleThreadManager();
    //prepare watchdog for running graph
    WatchDog watchDog = new WatchDog(graph, runtimeContext);
    //launch graph
    Future<Result> futureResult = threadManager.executeWatchDog(watchDog);
    //wait for result
    Result result = futureResult.get();
    //release all graph resources;

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