We are getting this error when running XML Writer components to export data in XML format with namespaces.
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Parser configuration problem: namespace reporting is not enabled
Do you have any ideas?
We are getting this error when running XML Writer components to export data in XML format with namespaces.
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Parser configuration problem: namespace reporting is not enabled
Do you have any ideas?
XML Writer supports namespaces from Clover engine version 2.5. Which version are you using?
Jaro -
We are using version 2.6.
Is there any option we need to change? -
Hello Mike,
I've tried to reproduce this exception by setting wrong configuration of namespaces in XmlWriter and I cant' get this error.
Do you have full stack-trace of the exception?
Also node element of your XmlWriter component would be helpfull.
We are getting this error when running XML Writer components to export data in XML format with namespaces.
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Parser configuration problem: namespace reporting is not enabled
Do you have any ideas?
Thanks -
We have managed to fix this error now.
We have Saxon version 9 jar in the buildpath and this was causing a conflict.
We removed it and all was good.
Thanks for your help.
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